Project title: Democratization of Underwater Cultural Heritage through Virtual Reality and Gaming



Last two decades demonstrated a growing recognition in the importance of preserving underwater cultural heritage sites that hold immense historical and cultural significance. However, managing and conserving these submerged cultural assets pose unique challenges due to their inaccessibility and vulnerability. Simultaneously, advancements in technology, particularly in digital 3D documentation techniques, Virtual Reality (VR) and gaming, have opened up new possibilities for experiential learning, storytelling, and engagement. The "DemoUCH" project aims to achieve a significant impact on both cultural heritage preservation fostering participation of creative industries. Creation of an immersive VR platform will allows diverse audiences to virtually explore and learn about underwater cultural heritage sites. Designing interactive gaming elements will emotionally engage users and facilitate a deeper understanding of the historical significance, cultural context, and preservation challenges. Digitizing and documenting underwater cultural heritage sites will create digital twins, enabling accurate representation, monitoring, and prevention of further deterioration.


Autor projekta

The Laboratory of Maritime Archaeology is the first maritime archaeology research unit in Montenegro, developed through the implementation of the EU co-funded project WRECKS4ALL. Its team of passionate experts employs state-of-the-art technologies and interdisciplinary approaches to unearth historical secrets concealed beneath the waves. Committed to preserving and understanding our underwater cultural heritage, the team meticulously investigates shipwrecks and explores innovative ways of public outreach. With a shared dedication to unraveling the past, the Laboratory's team of archaeologists, marine scientists, and technologists collaborates seamlessly, aiming to push the boundaries of exploration and enrich our understanding of humanity's seafaring legacy.

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Team representative:
Darko Kovačević focuses on the development and implementation of various policies related to underwater cultural heritage. Over the past decade he has been involved in numerous leading research projects across the Mediterranean. Projects include a study of the Alexandria coast in Egypt, excavations of a Mycenaean shipwreck near the island of Poros, survey campaigns of Fournoi islands in Greece, and various underwater archaeological projects in Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and Croatia. In Malta, he worked on implementing an innovative underwater museum system and developing a unit for managing underwater cultural heritage. Through the implementation of the cross-border IPA project WRECKS4ALL, he took part in establishment of the Laboratory of Maritime Archaeology at the University of Montenegro.