2019-07-08 18:00, Duration 55 min

Nikola Đurković Cultural Centre


Tuesday, July 9 
Nikola Đurković Cultural Centre, 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 

Theatre Tortoise in a Nutshell (Scotland – United Kingdom)
Cumbernauld Theatre (Scotland – United Kingdom)
Duration: 55 min. | Age: 12+

Direction: Ross MacKay
Set design: Amelia Bird
Light design: Simon Wilkinson
Composition and sound design: Jim Harbourne 
Technical manager: Andrew Gannon
Photography: Amy Downes
Cast: Arran Howie, Ross MacKay, Alex Bird, Jim Harbourne, Matthew Leonard


An innovative performance combining puppetry, object manipulation, immersive soundscapes, and multimedia technology, Feral holds a community under the microscope and dissects it in front of its audience’s eyes. Joe looks back at the home of his childhood and traces its journey from idyllic seaside town to community gripped by anarchy. A cross-art form piece, Feral, seamlessly blends film and live performance. Puppeteers manipulate and bring to life a tiny world, whilst simultaneously creating a live animation, as they follow its every breath via digital camera.

Tortoise in a Nutshell