2019-07-07 21:30, Duration 80 min

Summer Stage

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Sunday, July 7 
Summer Stage, 9:30 p.m.  
Zadar Puppet Theater (Croatia)
Duration: 45 min. | Age: 5+ 
Direction: Ana Prolić
Assistant director: Juraj Aras
Scenic play associate: Damir Klemenić
Music and lyrics: Mate Matišić
Visual identity: Sanja Mrša Vukman
Costume design: Anita Goreta
Light design: Frane Papić
Sound design: Mate Petričević
Set design: Robert Košta
Show manager: Radojka Kozulić
Set manager: Robert Košta
Costume maker: Nataša Perović
Light & sound technician: Marin Bakmaz
Photography: Iva Perinčić 
Cast: Juraj Aras, Sanja Zalović, Dominik Karakašić, Irena Bausović, Anđela Ćurković Petković, Tamara Šoletić, Radojka Kozulić, Robert Košta
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Based on the motifs from a popular story, Can’t Please the Whole World  speaks about a desire to please people around us, and then the whole world, in order to get their affection, confirmation of righteousness, and create a feeling of acceptance, which leads to suppression and abandonment of our own desires and opinions, and finally even our own personalities. In this day and age, when we are attacked by aggressive regulations from every side – about how to look, how to behave, how to think, spend time, which brand of yogurt to take – and in which we tend to  – using others’ parameters – achieve ourselves, and be successful and happy, only within the required  shape and pattern and harking these taps on the shoulder, it is important to remind ourselves to which extent we deny ourselves. Since after all, whatever we do, we can’t please the whole world.  

Ana Prolić